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This is where our customers talk about their
Experience with Viptamin products.


"With Forte I am in a better mood and have more energy

It's very comprehensive in terms of substances, like vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants."

Product: Complete Forte, Bio Protein, Alpha Lipoic Acid


"Complete Forte has improved my sense of sight

I feel much better, I feel more vital, my skin has become clearer and psychologically I feel better."

Product: Multiviamin Complete Forte


"The Forte keeps my musculoskeletal system supple

The Forte contains all the essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize itself."

Product: Complete Forte, Bio Protein, Q10, Alpha Lipoic Acid

Roman Pölz (54 years old):

"With Forte I had no problems during the pandemic

I have been taking Complete Forte for several years. I see the product as an extension and enrichment for my life."

Product: Multiviamin Complete Forte

Carmen (60 years old):

"The Forte is the best possible care and nutrition"

Complete Forte is my meal for power and energy. For me, it's my basic food, my basic nutrition."

Products: Multiviamin Complete Forte, Q10, Omega3


"Thanks to Complete Forte, my psoriasis is gone

I have been taking Complete Forte for a few months. My severe psoriasis that I had since 2012 is gone."

Product: Multiviamin Complete Forte


"The Complete Forte helps me during pregnancy

With Forte I am optimally supplied and have everything I need. My baby also gets all the nutrients and is well supplied."

Product: Multiviamin Complete Forte


"The Forte supports me with vegan nutrition

With Viptamin Komplett Forte, I don't need to take individual vitamins, it contains all the vital nutrients."

Product: Multiviamin Complete Forte


"The Complete Forte with Bio Protein for Energy

I am a vegetarian. Complete Forte and Bio Protein provides me with all the essential vitamins and minerals."

Product: Multiviamin Complete Forte & Bio Protein


"Alpha lipoic acid supports me with multiple sclerosis

I chose Viptamin's Alpha Lipoic Acid because it is high dose. For me, there is no better."

Product: Alpha Lipoic Acid

Test report: Dr. Dirk Klante tests Viptamin Komplett Forte

The doctor of natural sciences and well-known book author in the field of health care has developed our viptamin
Komplett Forte independently examined and audited and sent us its audit report, which we
hereby publish.

Dr. nat. Dirk Klante first studied chemistry and earned his doctorate in it, and has worked for years in scientific research. He is the author of the books “Mir gehts gut.”, “Möhrensuppe statt Kortison” and “Vitamine die bessere Medizin”, which are recommended to anyone with a sound scientific interest in these topics.

dr dirk klante

Dr. Dirk Klante

Test report by Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Klante

“Viptamin Kompoett Forte is much more than a multivitamin. It contains 57 vital nutrients in a quality I have not found anywhere. It also contains tocotrienols. These are not found in almost any vitamin preparation. The multivitamin Viptamine Complete Forte is very well tolerated and tastes great. Viptamin Komplett Forte contains the most important vitamins, trace elements, minerals, carotenoids plant extracts and probiotics in optimal dosage. Folic acid is contained in the form of methylfolate. This means: Highest bioavailability even in case of genetic enzyme deficiency. The B vitamins contained in Viptamin Komplett Forte not only correspond to the dosages of a good vitamin B-50-complete, but exceed them in quantity and quality. Vitamin B3 is present in the particularly high-quality form inositol hexaniacinate. This is the so-called flush-free variant (no itching, no reddening of the skin as with niacin). One daily dose of Viptamin Complete Forte contains 200 micrograms of vitamin B12. An optimal condition for low homocysteine levels.”

Study on Viptamin Complete Forte

Can the well-being be increased by taking it?

The purpose of a product study was to test whether the multivitamin powder Viptamin Komplett Forte can improve well-being. The result was clear. After 3 months of using the test product, participants felt significantly better overall.

The result at a glance:

I was happy and in a good mood (improvement from 32%)
I felt calm and relaxed (improvement of 29%)
I felt energetic and active (improvement of 27%)
I felt fresh and rested when I woke up (improvement of 62%)
my everyday life was full of things that interest me (improvement from 48%)

The positive effects increased with increasing duration of intake. They were significantly stronger after 12 weeks than after 6 weeks.

You can read the entire study here.
Complete forte
Complete forte

The product: Complete Forte

Lasts 30 days immediately available

585 gram powderOnly 3,32€ per day
Free shipping
Why a subscription? Stronger effect thanks to long-term use.
Read new study on viptamine here.
What our customers say in the video
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All vitamins All minerals Trace elements
Amino acids
  • For people who simply want the best multivitamin
  • Organic vegetables & organic fruits
  • High dosage
  • Manufactured according to Swiss quality standards
  • Developed for demanding people who want the optimum in health.
  • Contains vitamin CC that can be stored in the body for a long time
  • 100% vegan
  • Contributes to normal functioning of the immune system.
  • All vitamins, minerals, trace elements in an optimally usable form thanks to the exclusive quality of the raw materials.
  • Powerful antioxidants from nature like astaxanthin, OPC and resveratrol
  • Bio Eiweiß supplies you with all amino acids
  • Zinc with the highest bioavailability as zinc bisglycinatl
  • Prae- and probiotics for the intestinal flora
  • Powerful organic substances from nature
  • New in Formula 2022: Organic silicon, an important building block for connective tissue, tendons, hair and nails
  • New: Improved taste

Ihr Mehr-Wert mit Viptamin Komplett Forte

Wir haben nachgerechnet: Wenn Sie alle in Viptamin Komplett Forte enthaltenen Vitalstoffe einzeln bei Amazon kaufen würden, dann müssten Sie fast doppelt so viel zahlen.
Inhaltsstoff Menge pro 22g-Messlöffel Preis bei Amazon
Bio Reisprotein 8g 0,216 €
Vitamin A Palmitat 900 μg 0,809 €
Thiamin 40 mg 0,149 €
Vitamin B2 50 mg 0,028 €
Niacin 77 mg 0,027 €
Vitamin B6 15 mg 0,019 €
Folsäure 800 μg 0,033 €
Vitamin B12 250 μg 0,019 €
Biotin 340 μg 0,015 €
Pantothensäure 50 mg 0,015 €
Vitamin C (basisch) 800 mg 0,611 €
Vitamin D3(100% vegan) 50 μg 0,021 €
Vitamin E (100% natürlich) 134 mg 0,073 €
Vitamin K1 100 μg 0,090 €
Vitamin K2 (MK7 aus nat. Natto) 100 μg 0,027 €
Magnesium 418 mg 0,108 €
Kalzium 335 mg 0,018 €
Kalium 400 mg 0,325 €
Zink 20 mg 0,177 €
Mangan 2 mg 0,032 €
Selen 200 μg 0,087 €
Kupfer 1 mg 0,050 €
Chrom 80 μg 0,058 €
Methylsulfonylmethan (MSM) 500 mg 0,661 €
Lutein 20 mg 0,311 €
Acerola Kirschen natürlicher Extrakt 50 mg 0,012 €
Acai Beeren natürlicher Extrakt 50 mg 0,006 €
Aronia Beeren 50 mg 0,002 €
Cranberry Früchte 50 mg 0,006 €
Rote Bete biologisch 2600 mg 0,233 €
Brokkoli biologisch 500 mg 0,016 €
Kohl biologisch 500 mg 0,133 €
Kurkuma 800 mg 0,019 €
Sägepalm Extrakt 50 mg 0,014 €
Ginkgo Extrakt 50 mg 0,019 €
Grüntee Extrakt 45% ECGG 50 mg 0,011 €
Zitrus Bioflavonoide 70 mg 0,013 €
Quercetin 50 mg 0,028 €
Hesperidin 15 mg 0,020 €
Rutin 10 mg 0,004 €
OPC aus Traubenkernextrakt (95%) 50 mg 0,013 €
Resveratrol 50% 10 mg 0,014 €
Lycopin aus Tomaten 20 mg 0,432 €
Astaxanthin Komplex 3 mg 0,125 €
Tocotrienol Komplex 20 mg 0,141 €
Acidophilus, Thermophilus, Bifidus, Bulgaricus 250 mg 0,111 €
Cholin 10 mg 0,003 €
Beta Glucan 200 mg 0,089 €
GESAMT Kosten pro Tag: 2,82€

Kosten pro Tag: 5,44 €