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Getting through the restrictions without stress

The Lancet study sees the sudden loss of freedom and control as the main problem in quarantine. One feels at the mercy: of the epidemic, of the authorities, of boredom, of obscurity, of loneliness.
As our client, you understand the importance of a strong immune system to better cope with such limitations.
What is hardly mentioned in the media flood about the Corona virus are concrete measures for a strong immune system: the basis par excellence for the defence against unwanted pathogens.
For this reason, we have created a Facebook group that provides information about the importance of vital substances for a healthy immune system. This group is especially interesting for family members, friends and acquaintances who are close to your heart and have not known much or not at all about this possibility.
Please take the opportunity to let people know that this option is available.

People in quarantine feel far better when they have not been shipped there by order, but by appeal: as altruists who protect their fellow human beings from infection out of conviction. That is what is happening at the moment, appeals to solidarity are being made over and over again. But just after 11 days, even this sense of solidarity reaches its limits. And then it feels good to be able to do something for yourself and your loved ones.
I also strongly recommend long walks. Especially in this uncertain time, nature calms us with its always the same rhythm. She is currently awakening.

Viptamin Komplett Forte

Multivitamin Complete Forte

Long-term storable vitamin C 100% vegan Lactose free organic protein Naturally detoxifier MSM With lots of organic vegetables Without artificial sweeteners
  • Designed for discerning people who care about their health.
  • Produced according to Swiss quality standards and our purity law.
  • With our multi you make a really good deal.
Viptamin Erkältung

Viptamine cold

available immediately
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natural antioxidants Minerals Trace elements
Egg white Vitamins Extracts from fruits and vegetables
9 sachets in a box for a 3-day cure
Daniel Meister

Daniel Meister
Naturopath and founder of Viptamin

With kind regards to you

Daniel Meister

Viptamin Reinheitsgebot

Purity Law

Ab 80€ kostenloser Versand

From 80 € cost
loose shipping

30 Tage Widerrufsrecht


100% frei von Zusatzstoffen

100% free from

Hervorragendes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis

Price-performance ratio

What our customers say about Viptamin

Anneliese Kühn

Am thrilled with your products. It's all clearly described, without a lot of tam-tam. And trustworthy. I've had other experiences as well. With other companies

Franz Dörfler

Detailed information about the dosage and the correct intake. I am happy to recommend Viptamin to others!

Karin Robert

What I liked about Q10 is that it takes effect very quickly. You feel fit and full of energy. One capsule a day is great too. They're not so easy to forget.

Hans-Jürgen Fröhler

Excellent products with good price-performance ratio highly recommended! Best regards

Michael Frommhold
general practitioner

I recommend Viptamin products to my patients because I am convinced of the orthomolecular dosage and of course especially of the product quality. My family and I also regularly take Viptamine Complete Forte.

Matthias Hille

What I like best is the seriousness, and the lack of shrill promises of salvation.

Juerg Huber

I like the taste the best.

Laura Limberg
Yoga teacher & model

Without viptamine, I don't think I'd ever be this fit in this heat. All the vitamins & minerals I need daily in the best quality without additives.

Madeleine Plumettaz

Since I have been taking the viptamine from you: My eyes are rather difficult and I have had only 60-80% percent vision in my left eye most of the time, the right has been a little better. Now I went for my annual check-up and they were amazed: both eyes 100%!!! This improvement can only come from Viptamin

Franziska Jentsch

I often send out your page (or individual product links) when my consulting cases od. in the acquaintance / family circle health-related questions and I think that your products are / would be interesting for the individual.

dr. dirk klante komplett forte test
Dr. Dirk Kante
Chemist and author in the field of health

Viptamine Complete Forte contains tocotrienols, these seem to have the most potent effect of all the vitamin E forms. Tocotrienols are found in almost no other vitamin supplement. Viptamin Complete Forte is very well tolerated and tastes great. The ingredients are present in optimal dosages.

dr. dirk klante komplett forte test
Dr. Dirk Kante
Chemist and author in the field of health

Viptamine Complete Forte contains tocotrienols, these seem to have the most potent effect of all the vitamin E forms. Tocotrienols are found in almost no other vitamin supplement. Viptamin Complete Forte is very well tolerated and tastes great. The ingredients are present in optimal dosages.

Laura Limberg
Yoga teacher & model

Without viptamine, I don't think I'd ever be this fit in this heat. All the vitamins & minerals I need daily in the best quality without additives.

Michael Frommhold
general practitioner

I recommend Viptamin products to my patients because I am convinced of the orthomolecular dosage and of course especially of the product quality. My family and I also regularly take Viptamine Complete Forte.

Anneliese Kühn

Am thrilled with your products. It's all clearly described, without a lot of tam-tam. And trustworthy. I've had other experiences as well. With other companies

Madeleine Plumettaz

Since I have been taking the viptamine from you: My eyes are rather difficult and I have had only 60-80% percent vision in my left eye most of the time, the right has been a little better. Now I went for my annual check-up and they were amazed: both eyes 100%!!! This improvement can only come from Viptamin

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Ihr Mehr-Wert mit Viptamin Komplett Forte

Wir haben nachgerechnet: Wenn Sie alle in Viptamin Komplett Forte enthaltenen Vitalstoffe einzeln bei Amazon kaufen würden, dann müssten Sie fast doppelt so viel zahlen.
Inhaltsstoff Menge pro 22g-Messlöffel Preis bei Amazon
Bio Reisprotein 8g 0,216 €
Vitamin A Palmitat 900 μg 0,809 €
Thiamin 40 mg 0,149 €
Vitamin B2 50 mg 0,028 €
Niacin 77 mg 0,027 €
Vitamin B6 15 mg 0,019 €
Folsäure 800 μg 0,033 €
Vitamin B12 250 μg 0,019 €
Biotin 340 μg 0,015 €
Pantothensäure 50 mg 0,015 €
Vitamin C (basisch) 800 mg 0,611 €
Vitamin D3(100% vegan) 50 μg 0,021 €
Vitamin E (100% natürlich) 134 mg 0,073 €
Vitamin K1 100 μg 0,090 €
Vitamin K2 (MK7 aus nat. Natto) 100 μg 0,027 €
Magnesium 418 mg 0,108 €
Kalzium 335 mg 0,018 €
Kalium 400 mg 0,325 €
Zink 20 mg 0,177 €
Mangan 2 mg 0,032 €
Selen 200 μg 0,087 €
Kupfer 1 mg 0,050 €
Chrom 80 μg 0,058 €
Methylsulfonylmethan (MSM) 500 mg 0,661 €
Lutein 20 mg 0,311 €
Acerola Kirschen natürlicher Extrakt 50 mg 0,012 €
Acai Beeren natürlicher Extrakt 50 mg 0,006 €
Aronia Beeren 50 mg 0,002 €
Cranberry Früchte 50 mg 0,006 €
Rote Bete biologisch 2600 mg 0,233 €
Brokkoli biologisch 500 mg 0,016 €
Kohl biologisch 500 mg 0,133 €
Kurkuma 800 mg 0,019 €
Sägepalm Extrakt 50 mg 0,014 €
Ginkgo Extrakt 50 mg 0,019 €
Grüntee Extrakt 45% ECGG 50 mg 0,011 €
Zitrus Bioflavonoide 70 mg 0,013 €
Quercetin 50 mg 0,028 €
Hesperidin 15 mg 0,020 €
Rutin 10 mg 0,004 €
OPC aus Traubenkernextrakt (95%) 50 mg 0,013 €
Resveratrol 50% 10 mg 0,014 €
Lycopin aus Tomaten 20 mg 0,432 €
Astaxanthin Komplex 3 mg 0,125 €
Tocotrienol Komplex 20 mg 0,141 €
Acidophilus, Thermophilus, Bifidus, Bulgaricus 250 mg 0,111 €
Cholin 10 mg 0,003 €
Beta Glucan 200 mg 0,089 €
GESAMT Kosten pro Tag: 2,82€

Kosten pro Tag: 5,44 €