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Quotes on Vitamins, Supplements, Nutrition, Health

My favorite thing to eat is always jacket potatoes.
But with a dollop of caviar and a glass of champagne.

Elizabeth Taylor

The food should please the eye first and then the stomach

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Let your food be your cure


It is not given to the healthy person to be satisfied. If this were the case, all progress would cease.

Sir Frederick Grant Banting

The hunger of people in different parts of the world stems from the fact that many of us take far too much more than we need.

Mahatma Gandhi

Peace is the health of nations.

Ernst R. Hauschka

The best cuisine comes from necessity

William Saroyan

The English invented table talk to make you forget their food.

Pierre Daninos

The discovery of a new food promotes the happiness of mankind more than the discovery of a new star.

Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Real men don’t eat honey – they chew bees.

Chuck Norris

There are not only thousands of diseases, but also thousands of health conditions.

Gerhard Kocher

There is only one pleasure greater than the pleasure of eating well: The pleasure of cooking well.

Günter Grass

A good roast is rightly counted among good deeds.

William Busch

Viptamin Komplett Forte

Do you care about a balanced diet?

Through selected foods we can ensure that we go through everyday life healthy and lively. If you want to do yourself some extra good and make sure that your body really gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs, we recommend our Viptamin Complete Forte. It contains all vitamins, minerals and trace elements and contains high quality organic protein.

Food is a most unjust thing:
Each bite stays in your mouth for no more than two minutes,
two hours in the stomach, but three months on the hips.

Christian Dior

Early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy, rich and smart.

Benjamin Franklin

God, what luck! A semolina soup, a place to sleep and no physical pain – that’s a lot!

Theodor Fontane

In one half of our lives, we sacrifice health to acquire money; in the other, we sacrifice money to regain health. And during this time, health and life go from then.


Only water, grain and grass goes into our cows

Renate Künast

Anyone can do magic, anyone can achieve their goals if they can think, if they can wait, if they can fast.

Hermann Hesse

In gluttony there is a futility, a freedom…
– you don’t eat to keep yourself alive, you eat to burst at the seams
– also a way to kill yourself.

Eugène Ionesco

Eat what’s cooked. Drink what’s clear. Say what’s true.

Martin Luther

Diseases do not strike us out of the blue, but develop from daily sins against nature. When these have accumulated, they burst forth unawares.


One should offer the body something good, so that the soul has desire to dwell in it.

Winston Churchill

You have to argue with vegetarians as soon as they inherit a sausage factory.

Danny Kaye

Tomorrow is called the day when most fasting cures begin.

Gustav Knuth

After a good meal, you could forgive anyone, even your own relatives.

Oscar Wilde

Nothing speeds up recovery like regular medical bills.

Alec Guinness

Strange: even the biggest vegetarians don’t like to bite the dust.

Joachim Ringelnatz

Nothing will increase the chance of survival on earth like the move to a vegetarian diet.

Albert Einstein

Without health there is no profitable activity; but to make the preservation of health the business of one’s life is the business of idle fools and hypochondriacs.

Francis Grillparzer

Many people have forgotten how to eat. You can only swallow

Paul Bocuse

If God wanted us to eat sugar, he wouldn’t have invented dentists.

Ralph Nader

If you want to, you’ll find ways.
If you don’t want to, you’ll find reasons.


If they have no bread, let them eat cake.

Queen Marie Antoinette

If you don’t spend a little time every day on your health, one day you will have to spend a lot of time on your illness.

Sebastian Kneipp

Where there is hunger, peace cannot endure.

Willy Brandt

Health is like salt: you only notice it when it is missing


Health interest is huge, health knowledge is moderate, health behavior is abysmal.

Christian Morgenstern

If someone invented sugar today, he would certainly be forbidden to put his product on the market.

Arnold Bender

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

From England

The man who is too busy to take care of his health is like a workman who has no time to take care of his tools.

From Spain

Healing is a matter of time. Sometimes, however, it is also a question of a favourable opportunity.


Ordinary mortals have to pay for the mistakes themselves. If doctors or judges are wrong, the others pay.

George Bernard Shaw

It comes down to healing the body with the soul and the soul through the body.

Oscar Wilde

Health has a lot to do with trying things out for yourself. If something doesn’t work, try something different. And if it helps, do more of it.

Daniel Albisser-Master

Viptamin Komplett Forte

Do you care about a balanced diet?

Through selected foods we can ensure that we go through everyday life healthy and lively. If you want to do yourself some extra good and make sure that your body really gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs, we recommend our Viptamin Complete Forte. It contains all vitamins, minerals and trace elements and contains high quality organic protein.

If a healthy and balanced diet is important to you, we have a wide range of products on offer - for all those who strive for optimum health. For example, you can buy our high quality ubiquinol or view all products in the range.
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Ihr Mehr-Wert mit Viptamin Komplett Forte

Wir haben nachgerechnet: Wenn Sie alle in Viptamin Komplett Forte enthaltenen Vitalstoffe einzeln bei Amazon kaufen würden, dann müssten Sie fast doppelt so viel zahlen.
Inhaltsstoff Menge pro 22g-Messlöffel Preis bei Amazon
Bio Reisprotein 8g 0,216 €
Vitamin A Palmitat 900 μg 0,809 €
Thiamin 40 mg 0,149 €
Vitamin B2 50 mg 0,028 €
Niacin 77 mg 0,027 €
Vitamin B6 15 mg 0,019 €
Folsäure 800 μg 0,033 €
Vitamin B12 250 μg 0,019 €
Biotin 340 μg 0,015 €
Pantothensäure 50 mg 0,015 €
Vitamin C (basisch) 800 mg 0,611 €
Vitamin D3(100% vegan) 50 μg 0,021 €
Vitamin E (100% natürlich) 134 mg 0,073 €
Vitamin K1 100 μg 0,090 €
Vitamin K2 (MK7 aus nat. Natto) 100 μg 0,027 €
Magnesium 418 mg 0,108 €
Kalzium 335 mg 0,018 €
Kalium 400 mg 0,325 €
Zink 20 mg 0,177 €
Mangan 2 mg 0,032 €
Selen 200 μg 0,087 €
Kupfer 1 mg 0,050 €
Chrom 80 μg 0,058 €
Methylsulfonylmethan (MSM) 500 mg 0,661 €
Lutein 20 mg 0,311 €
Acerola Kirschen natürlicher Extrakt 50 mg 0,012 €
Acai Beeren natürlicher Extrakt 50 mg 0,006 €
Aronia Beeren 50 mg 0,002 €
Cranberry Früchte 50 mg 0,006 €
Rote Bete biologisch 2600 mg 0,233 €
Brokkoli biologisch 500 mg 0,016 €
Kohl biologisch 500 mg 0,133 €
Kurkuma 800 mg 0,019 €
Sägepalm Extrakt 50 mg 0,014 €
Ginkgo Extrakt 50 mg 0,019 €
Grüntee Extrakt 45% ECGG 50 mg 0,011 €
Zitrus Bioflavonoide 70 mg 0,013 €
Quercetin 50 mg 0,028 €
Hesperidin 15 mg 0,020 €
Rutin 10 mg 0,004 €
OPC aus Traubenkernextrakt (95%) 50 mg 0,013 €
Resveratrol 50% 10 mg 0,014 €
Lycopin aus Tomaten 20 mg 0,432 €
Astaxanthin Komplex 3 mg 0,125 €
Tocotrienol Komplex 20 mg 0,141 €
Acidophilus, Thermophilus, Bifidus, Bulgaricus 250 mg 0,111 €
Cholin 10 mg 0,003 €
Beta Glucan 200 mg 0,089 €
GESAMT Kosten pro Tag: 2,82€

Kosten pro Tag: 5,44 €